Rishi’s Sky TV blunder says more about class than cash
This latest appearance was in the ITV interview for which he fled the D-Day battlefields of Normandy, attracting much criticism in the process. Presenter Paul Brand asked Sunak about his wealth and whether he’s ever had to go without. He squirmed, laughed nervously and racked his brains for any hint of hardship. “There were all sorts of things that I would’ve wanted as a kid that I couldn’t have,” he replied unconvincingly. “Famously, Sky TV. That was something that we never had growing up.”
“It was clearly a bid to look humble but it came across as so inauthentic,” says PR consultant Mark Borkowski. “Sunak’s messaging and soundbites are awful. Every move he makes proves how out of touch he is.”
“The great British public allows people to make mistakes in communications. They can happen to anybody,” Borkowski adds. “But Sunak’s campaign is blunder after blunder. From the rain-soaked announcement, to the Titanic, to D-Day – it just gets worse. I don’t know who’s advising him but they’re deluded. I’ve never witnessed such an embarrassing string of gaffes.”
Leaving aside the PM’s strange use of “famously” – how well-known does Sunak think his life story is? – he ignored the part that old-fashioned class division might have played in his family’s decision.