Wisdom amongst the discarded ice cream tubs, wet tissues and Kleenex wrappers – or never diss a theatre cleaner
If you can be bothered to part with £175 + VAT pop down to the Southbank and hear me and a bunch of uglies blabbering on about word of mouth. Billed as the ultimate conference on winning the battle for word-of-mouth communications, I shall be opening the proceedings. The venue is, wait for it, The Dental Institute, Guys Campus, St. Thomas Street, London SE1 9RT that’s next Friday 1st December 9.30am – 4.20pm. The happening has been put together by my old pal Andy Green, who I met twenty years ago in a toilet in the Dorchester Hotel. We were both pissed at some awards do and have been pals ever since. I rate him as one of the real people in the cess pool of PR bullshit The programme of talks look cool I hope they are prettier than the photos of those delivering them judge for your self Download file
My blather is titled “Wisdom amongst the discarded ice cream tubs, wet tissues and Kleenex wrappers – or never diss a theatre cleaner!” I hope people will find it engaging if they don’t then I am sure Andy will give them their money back. Seriously folks there is some fantastic stuff and wisdom on offer so book or be square.