The trivia cycle
One of the perils of being a publicist, for me at least, is having to go through the papers thoroughly every single day. I’ve been doing it for years and years, but instead of it getting easier, it’s fast becoming a chore. The reason for this is the sheer amount of trivia that clogs the arteries of the news. I really don’t care whether Trudy Styler and Sting lost their industrial tribunal against their cook, nor do I care about Callum Best and Lindsay Lohan rutting like rabbits diagnosed with mixamotosis Whether Gordon Brown wears a tie or not when he gives a speech simply bores me rigid, and Paris Hilton’s inevitable prison sentence is drivel. I don’t care about sacred cows and whether they have TB or not, nor do feel the least bit of anticipation about who will be kicked out of The Apprentice. Whether it’s Kiera Knightly deciding to cover herself up or Harry and William wearing bowler hats, I simply don’t give a damn. But what’s worrying is that an awful lot of people do. So what does that say about me?