The Reputation Terrorist
Yet another interesting snippet from the excellent Spin watch, but I wrote a feature on this issue in the Guardian two years ago.
BuzzMetrics, a New York-based specialist in word-of-mouth marketing,
is among the companies working to tame the internet by going after
“determined detractors,” which the New York Times defines as “persistent critics of a company or product which mount their own public relations offensive, often online.”
According to Paul Rand, Managing Director at Ketchum Midwest in Chicago,
“One determined detractor can do as much damage as 100,000 positive mentions can do good.” Detractors, he said, can become “reputation terrorists” who have a personal interest in publicly criticizing a company. “These are the folks we have to track and stay on top of.” he said. “To not do so can cost money.”
SOURCE: New York Times, December 27, 2004