The Borkowski poet in residence remembers Anna Nicole Smith
Plastic girl dies plastic death,
in plastic coffin lies bereft.
Plastic tears on plastic cheeks
last plastic days not plastic weeks.
Plastic is as plastic does;
it can’t sustain a plastic buzz,
just plastic money, plastic drugs
plastic lies for plastic mugs
plastic food and plastic drink –
all flushed down he plastic sink.
The plastic press writes plastic stories
on brittle little plastic glories.
Plastic fame is plastic brief.
In plastic world there is no grief,
just plastic parties, plastic wakes
where only plastic truly aches.
Plastic misery, plastic hate.
Plastic emptiness on a plate.
Plastic sorrow, plastic loss.
Plastic lips and plastic gloss.
Plastic breasts, plastic eyes.
Plastic brains and plastic thighs.
Plastic hopes, plastic dreams.
Plastic suffering, plastic screams.
Plastic marriage, plastic cash.
Plastic dust to plastic ash.
All the plastic in the land
gave plastic girl no helping hand