The Bollywood Fame Formula
The Fame Formula – due out in paperback in April – got a good mention in The Hindu at the end of last year, in an article on the changing nature of publicity in the Bollywood movie industry.
“Public relations specialist Dale Bhagwagar believes that public relation campaigns will soon be the way that many clients will go instead of marketing and advertising, especially in the financial climate today. ‘As more and more people realise the cost-effectiveness of PR campaigns, their attention will shift from the expensive ad campaigns to PR strategies and placements.’
“But film publicists are a mysterious and dark breed of fixers, stuntsters and arch media manipulators, as exemplified by publicity guru Mark Borkowski in his new book ‘The Fame Formula’. Whether that’s true or not, for years PRs have been fundamental to the tinsel-town fantasy.
“They are, according to Borkowski, the hidden gatekeepers of the Hollywood dream machine ‘who guard its formula, often to the death’. As recounted in his detailed analysis of publicity through the ages, they are an invisible army of Machiavellian schemers who were ferociously protective of their clients.”
To read the full article, click here.