Spinning of Wikipedia
Lets support the SourceWatch campaign to out the spinning of Wikipedia http://www.prwatch.org/node/6391 In the current issue it highlights the deeds of the dark forces of ” big PR” So far they have logged several attempts at spin into the respective SourceWatch profiles, including:
* Chevron deleting the article on “Biodiesel”
*Military contractor Raytheon deleting information on them spying on their competitors and the U.S. Air Force
*Republican-friendly broadcaster Clear Channel adding allegations of plagiarism to Democratic Senate Candidate Al Franken’s profile
* Hill & Knowlton removing descriptions of the political repression by the government of the Maldives, an H&K client;
* Amway parent company Alticor removing descriptions of the company’s use of “Google bombing” to drive down the search engine rankings of Web sites critical of the company;
Electronic voting machine company Diebold removing descriptions of the controversies surrounding their machines’ failures and glitches;
* Conservative news network Fox News changing Keith Olbermann’s profile (and not in a good way – see Olbermann’s reaction on this video)
I suggest that we all do what the site suggests ” head over to
where there are instructions, examples and an email hotline for support.”