‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin has died. The wildlife presenter was filming a documentary off the coast of Australia earlier this week when a stingray attacked him, using its poisonous barb to pierce his chest.
So long Steve Irwin,
eco-Crocodile Dundee.
You pursued savage beasts
with irreverent glee.
Badgered them, bothered them
all through the wild –
even taunted crocs
with a chance to taste child.
You were so long, Steve Irwin,
in the television’s eye
that no-one expected
you’d be able to die
in a manner ignominious
and unsuitably swift.
We were sure you had superpowers –
wrestling crocs was your gift.
That and the rascally
glint in your eyes
made it impossible
to truly despise
the blunt Aussie blokeishness
that you exuded
as, from under your arm,
a croc’s jaw protruded.
So farewell Steve Irwin,
croc hunter supreme.
You’ll be mourned from the outback
to the suburbs of Cheame
and a dolorous “Crikey!”
will now often be heard
whenever men encounter
strange beasts or birds.