Smokers' Delight
All today’s papers have reported on Winnie Langley the defiant smoker who celebrated reaching 100 yesterday. Pictured lighting up from one of the candles on her birthday cake, Winnie, from Croydon, was reported to have been smoking for 93 years and has no plans to quit just yet. Surely this is good news for the tobacco industry which is constantly having to make people aware of all the dangers of smoking. I’m sure that some tobacco industry executive saw that she was a great publicity opportunity, knowing all too well that most smokers want to believe that they will be the one to avoid lung cancer, heart disease and all the other smoking related illnesses. So Winnie is perfect to be the smokers’ icon. Here is a real person (I don’t believe she’s a fake) who admits to smoking for 93 years and is still alive and well at 100. Just the kind of boost that the tobacco industry needs.