“The new Britney Spears soap opera, centered on her marital problems, seems to be holding its own against the real news agenda… such was the perfection of the strike against Spears’ wayward spouse Kevin Federline, it managed to generate ink even when the global news agenda had more momentous things to consider.” Mark Borkowski, Stuntwatch, November 13
Britney Spears once more endears
herself with the worldwide press
as a slimmed down, sussed up superstar
who can fit back in a dress.
Now it’s no more punch drunk lover’s tiffs
and no more sportswear hell
and she’s toe to toe with Paris Hilton
as a ballsy, buffed up belle
who will give away her sex tapes
free for all to see
and will dump her toxic husband
with a text or into the sea.
She’s a mother, she’s an icon,
she’s a tickertape parade,
she’s a branding opportunity,
she’s who must be obeyed.
She’s cool, she’s sexy, she’s in command,
she’s making column inches rise
and if a new record comes out soon,
please don’t act surprised.
Britney Spears once more endears
herself with the worldwide press
as a slimmed down, sussed up superstar
who can fit back in a dress.
She’s clawed back her celebrity
with a military-style coup
and it’s borderline whether Kevin Federline
will have anything left he can do
but rot in the stew of his own greed
and rue his stupid mistake
as Britney shoots into orbit
and leaves everything in her wake.
She’s a mother, she’s an icon
she’s a trash aestheticist’s dream
she’s a branding opportunity
she’s the cat who copyrighted cream.
She’s cool, she’s sexy, she’s in command,
she’s making column inches rise
and if a new record comes out soon,
please don’t act surprised…