Nottage in the New York Post
Dustin Hoffman’s interest in playing Maynard Nottage has taken the story all over the world, from India to California. The story crops up on the Cinematical website, which says that Nottage: “lived a pretty wild life… touring with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, and enjoying the booze and the babes he encountered along the way. His partying ways caused him to fall out of favor in the moralistic Prohibition era, and he died, a Hollywood outcast, in 1965.
“But as if that’s not movie-worthy enough, there’s more! Nottage’s life was largely forgotten until he became the focus of Mark Borkowski’s biography, The Fame Formula.”
OK, so they got a detail wrong – The Fame Formula is of course a history of the PR industry in Hollywood, not a biography of Nottage – but it’s rather nice to see that people agree that his life would make a good movie.
But the biggest mention has been a reference to Hoffman’s interest in the role in the highly regarded Page Six gossip column of the New York Post – click here to read more.