Britney Spears has been attacked by drunks at a stag party in LA. “They were obviously very drunk and jealous of her success. They were yelling, ‘Give us some of your money’ and lunging at her,” an onlooker said.
It comes down to nothing but cash in the end,
this bitter success, this absence of friends.
It comes to the point where you can’t walk alone
without being seen as a walking Dow Jones
and the world and it’s wife are jealous as hell
of a pop star whose bank account swells and swells.
They don’t see a person behind the façade
because that’s the first thing a true pop star discards,
spends the rest of their life trying to reclaim.
All the world sees is publicity games
and money accumulating for pretty much nothing.
The voice is replaced by the decadent trappings
of excess, fleeting power and scant underwear.
There is no sympathy for pop millionaires –
if you’re seen in public, expect a tough reception,
a fight on your hands to alter preconceptions
The old cliché dictates that it’s tough at the top
but it only gets tougher as your popularity drops.
It comes down to nothing but cash in the end,
this bitter success, this absence of friends.