Facebook angst
Can anyone provide me with an answer to the rather puzzling predicament that I have found myself in? Sitting in my friends request box on my Facebook site, I have 33 requests from various individuals that I have never met ALL asking me to be their friends. This ragbag of humans has one thing in common and that’s that it’s made up of people who have just established PR companies and are keen to tell me about their nascent businesses. Why on earth would I want to be their friend? By not making them friends, have I made a fatal error or is the PR business breeding a generation of digital stalkers, deluded by thoughts that they are actually PR people? This breed of PRs is made up from the dumbest inhabitants of the universe. They endure an imposed ignorance. They should get out more and realize there is more to the industry than their tiny closed world. The stupidity is embarrassing.
I think D. H. Lawrence created a turn of phrase that sums up what I really think. “Curse the blasted, jelly-boned swines, the slimy, the belly-wriggling invertebrates, the miserable sodding rotters, the flaming sods, the sniveling, dribbling, dithering, palsied, pulse-less lot. They’ve got white of egg in their veins, and their spunk is that watery it’s a marvel they can breed”.