Dave Trott: Hot on Advertising, Not on PR?
I respect Dave Trott.
He is an Ad man and Guru of considerable stature
I read and liked his book Creative Mischief.
Usually, Dave provides clear thinking and words of wisdom.
I’ve been preoccupied;
I missed his recent CampaignLive blog Stuntvertising.
I read the post, my heart sank.
This got my goat;
“Normally I’m not a fan of ‘stunt’ advertising.
The sort of thing that only runs once, in one place.
Hardly any real consumers ever see it.
This is really more PR than advertising.”
So Dave, please tell me what you really think of PR?
Actually, please don’t define the craft.
Correlation does not imply causation.
Instead, why don’t we meet for a lunch and discuss the issues.
I think it would be interesting.
Consider this;
PR folk in the modern world face a slew of fundamental challenges.
Its more about aspect, bearing and quality of status.
We fight to be heard because although we are more relevant than ever before.
Its a tough ask, as its farmed against a backdrop of outmoded cliché.
Its a daily challenge, forcing ‘the others’ to understand whilst projecting esteem.
More established disciplines in the marketing mix still fail to understand what we do.
To mash up a Groucho Marx’s quote “Anyone who says he can see through PR is missing a lot.”
I wish we could rid the world of all the PR clichés.
Guess it’s impossible in an age of land grab and the reason I created Borkowski.do
Here is a mash-up to end this succinct thought (big thanks to Duke Ellington)
Borkowski.do is like playing Scrabble with all the vowels missing