Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has reopened the war of words with David Cameron over the Government’s response to the terrorist threat, accusing the Tory leader of “political point-scoring”. Earlier, Mr Prescott found himself embroiled in another row following claims that he had described George Bush’s Middle East policy as “crap” and ridiculed the US President as “just a cowboy with his Stetson on”.
Come on Mr Prescott, tell it like it is.
Give our stale politics an element of fizz.
Be the lump of sodium in the parliamentary jar;
tell that upstart Cameron to get back in his car.
Tear a strip or two or three off Mr Yo guy Blair.
If he’s made a booboo give him the Paddington stare.
Come on Mr Prescott, use your hour upon the stage
to make all of the world’s leaders have a fit of rage
by telling them quite bluntly where they have gone wrong.
Find a way to tell them where they can put their bombs.
You’ve got a quiet moment whilst Tony’s on the beach.
There may be a crisis, but he’s safely out of reach.
So come on Mr Prescott, tell a bit more truth.
It’s bound to go down rather well in the polling booth
It could be the saving of your political career
telling all the leaders things they rather wouldn’t hear.
We’re living in a culture where a spade gets called a shovel
and lesser leaders only learn the art of how to grovel
but it’s ironic that the insult that you chose to employ
to criticise George Bush was so simple as cowboy
given your reported taste for items of cowboy clothing.
Was this by any chance a moment of self-loathing?
If it was then please don’t let it stop you in your tracks
Come on Mr Prescott, keep up with the attacks.