Cheltenham Festival via A Good Read
I had a busy but invigorating weekend at the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, promoting The Fame Formula on Saturday and discussing my favourite book with Sue McGregor and Terry Jones for BBC Radio 4’s A Good Read in the great stone wedding cake that is Cheltenham Town Hall.
I was astonished at how busy it was, especially on the Sunday – the Festival seems to attract a great many people, what with its mixture of book-writing celebrities, poets, journalists and surprise visits by relaxed-seeming prime ministers.
The Fame Formula event went well – between 60 and 70 informed and interested people, a number of whom asked pertinent questions and even bought books, which is great in a Festival with so many people selling so many books.
And then there was A Good Read – but more on that after it’s broadcast tomorrow, on BBC Radio 4 at 4.30 p.m. – I’d hate to give away any of the secrets of a very enjoyable morning in the company of an affable Terry Jones, Sue McGregor and a lively Cheltenham Festival of Literature crowd prior to broadcast…