The Borkowski poet in residence takes a scathing look at the world of celebrity and its knock on effects.
This is a world encased in plastic
and driven on by image
where even the winners are losers
and the search for fame’s a scrimmage
A world coated in Teflon
where even cricket is corrupt
and the coaches can be murdered
if the ante isn’t upped
A world devoid of meaning
where Paris Hilton and Kate Moss
compete for formulaic headlines
and turn the news to dross
A world bent on escape
a world of plastic dolls
a world burning like a cigarette
a world of empty skulls
A world of shrink-wrapped singers
A world of no innocence, just experience
A world bent on escape
based entirely on appearance
A world of empty fears
and self-loathing in Las Vegas
of electric kool aid plastic vests
where truth-telling is courageous
This is a world encased in plastic
where things must stay as they seem
and news of science and religion
is buried like a bad dream
A world coated in Teflon
a world of non-stick gods
who are regularly reshuffled
to even up the odds
A world devoid of meaning
in which your aspirations
are taken and rewritten
and handed back as accusations
A world bent on escape
a world of plastic dolls
a world burning like a cigarette
a world of empty skulls
A world of shrink-wrapped singers
A world of no innocence, just experience
A world bent on escape
based entirely on appearance
A world of over-the-counter culture
of corporate speak and blah
a world where no one really cares
who or what you are
This is a world encased in plastic
where mud and grass don’t stain
and the only way of getting by
is to become stupendously vain
A world coated in Teflon
where history does not stick
and everyone encourages you
to be selfish, greedy, thick
A world devoid of meaning
that does not believe in death
and encourages you to live forever
without ever drawing breath
A world bent on escape
a world of plastic dolls
a world burning like a cigarette
a world of empty skulls
A world of shrink-wrapped singers
A world of no innocence, just experience
A world bent on escape
based entirely on appearance…