Carters Fair
“Carter’s”, a beautiful original Victorian steam fair, seems to have solved the problem of the ubiquitous fair ground hoodie. The fair opened at the weekend in Hayes, Essex to be graced by gangs of up to twenty hoodies who generally unnerved the middle agers and their kids.
To combat this loitering with or without intent, Carter’s decided to play Cliff Richard tracks back to back on all fair ground rides and amazingly, the gangs of hoodies dissipated.
There has been much speculation about my involvement in this story as I have in my time, represented both Carter’s Steam Fair and Sir Cliff. It is indeed a fantastic story, but one that I have nothing to do with. There was a time many years ago when I brought a representative of Michael Jackson to see this fair. Luckily, the late great John Carter, who had founded the fair, made the right decision by turning down the Jackson offer to buy the unique working fairground jewel. It survives to this day touring the UK, now run by John’s sons whose method of “sonic repulsion” to pacify hoodies is second to none.