Campaign for Media Democracy stages the "Falsies Awards"
At the end of each year, the Campaign for Media Democracy stages the “Falsies Awards,” to recognize the people and players that take spin and propaganda to new lows.
I have been told that 2007 is a vintage year and has some all time lows. Corrupt PR practice in the US plagues the media across the pond and CMD have been doing much to expose the issue. The major communications networks have, over the last decade made some major acquisitions of some meaningful indie agencies here, in their quest for global domination, so we should accept that there poor practices will inevitably pollute the news agenda in the UK.
So will the conveyor belt of scam research results be investigated in 2008? It’s the lazy PR and client tool and I have read more fake surveys this year than in any other. OK I admit some are robust and serve a purpose but others are just “film flam”.