Elton John has lost out on a part in the next Superman movie after being outbid at an auction. The singer’s offer of £40,000 was topped by British business tycoon Sir Philip Green – the owner of high-street fashion giant TopShop – who paid £50,000 for the cameo role for his wife Tina.
The allure of celluloid still holds sway
for the rich and eager prepared to pay
through nose and ears for a cameo part
in a blockbuster film that’s far from art
but iconic enough to last a while.
Just long enough to make great-grandkids smile
when they see their rickety, charming gran
cavort on DVD with Superman
That’s all it’ll be, as good as it gets
that’s what this 50k legacy nets –
their treasure in everyone’s bargain bin.
It’s just as well Elton John didn’t win.
What is the point, if won’t please your kids,
of making such oversized, grandiose bids?