Cabbage crates coming over the briny
The RAF is missing a fantastic PR opp. The Russian military are proving to be much cleverer on the PR front that the dusty Air Staff.
Yesterday British fighter jets were scrambled to intercept eight Russian “Bear” reconnaissance aircraft in the second such incident in recent weeks. Four Tornado F3 planes took off from various bases around the UK to head off the bombers.
In a Pythonesque response, the MOD issued some limp pictures and let the media down. Where was the Top Gun action? We want to see some real heroes going into action. Where were the images and footage of the planes scrambling? Neither sound nor live action on news programmes of cockpit chatter as our boys swooped in.
This is the 21st century. The boys own stuff should be communicated for the YouTube generation.
If this is a new “cold PR war”, wheel out the firepower. A message to Whitehall – “Come on Wingco, buck up! Bunch of monkeys on your ceiling! Grab your egg-and-fours and get the bacon delivered!”