Beckhams fight back
Congratulations to the Beckham PR team the coverage across the media today is exceptional, but be warned its going to be a long haul. On day two of the crisis we have seen some text book damaged limitation. She tried to trap him.. there was no affair screams the Mirror. The doubts are seeded as Beck�s and Victoria frolic in the snow for their chosen photographer Jason (I have made millions from the Beckhams) Fraser to syndicate. The rest of the coverage is dedicated to picking apart Rebbeca Loos and her torrid private life. We even learn that Greg Rusedski�s wife had warned Posh not to let ex SFX PR chick any where near her man, So 30 / 15 to David and Victoria as the nation waits for the next instalment. I suspect that Rebbeca Loos is likely to come out with her sorry tale this weekend.