new legislation on age and employment
Radio 4 Today programme 29 September 06 Mark Borkowski discusses the impact new legislation on age and employment will have when it comes into force on Sunday. Click here to listen
Radio 4 Today programme 29 September 06 Mark Borkowski discusses the impact new legislation on age and employment will have when it comes into force on Sunday. Click here to listen
DROVE AT 186MPH .. AND I WAS NAKED – London,UK … Edmonds’ agent Mark Borkowski last night said: “This happened 20 years ago when he woke up early one morning, stark naked and wanted to drive. … method=full&siteid=94762&headline=i-drove-at-186mph —- and-i-was-naked–name_page.html
Cherie Blair is alleged to have been overheard at yesterday’s Labour Party conference branding Gordon Brown a liar. “…Downing Street went into overdrive to deny that [she] had so contemptuously dismissed the chancellor. Ironically, Mr Brown had been using his speech to effect a public reconciliation with the prime minister, saying he regretted their differences.” […]
A conference season fantasy about the Bristolian graffiti artist from the Borkowski poet in residence, whose will to live has been worn to breaking point whilst watching the political shenanigans and posturing from Brighton and Manchester. If Banksy were Prime Minister and policy ran on stunts that were cleverer than baby kissing and opening up […]
“There is no single hurdle ahead for Sir Menzies to jump, just a long slog to clarify and refine what he is aiming for. Yesterday’s speech [at the Liberal Democrat conference] saw him move forward and he will be pleased enough with that.” Editorial, The Guardian, Friday, September 22nd 2006. Sir Ming the merciful, lord […]
To promote the Westbeau Ranch in Washington State in the 50’s, Jim Moran came up with an idea that thrilled newspaper readers and their families. Moran used a well known actress Lolly Allen (no relation to the stroppy young songstress Lily Allen!) to pose for photographs with Little Tyke, a tame lion.
Katie Holmes is reportedly having doubts about marrying Tom Cruise. She allegedly told a visitor to the isolated Colorado retreat where she has been staying with Suri and Tom’s family: “I don’t have my own life any more. I’m not comfortable.” The excitement’s worn off and all through the house nothing is stirring, not even […]
Following Jim Moran’s success with the National West Virginia Axe Company, he was quickly employed a few months later by a little known Texas Saw Company. Moran employed oarsmen from two competing rowing teams who came all the way from Washington for a cleverly devised photo opportunity. Using huge saws from the saw company, the […]
Steve Irwin fans have allegedly been have been killing stingrays in a series of revenge attacks for his death. This week we shall be taking revenge on baths for removing Jim Morrison from us in his prime we have the mallets and the sacks we’ll need it may be late in the day for such […]
Why I love Banksy Banksy is a shining example to all PRs who understands that the media is his canvas to use as he sees fit to connect with a global audience.,,1873225,00.html